Mar 13, 2025  
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog 
2025-2026 Undergraduate Catalog

Student Records and Academic Regulations

Student Records
The record of each student’s grades are kept on permanent file in the Office of Records and Registration. These records are permanent and are frequently referred to and supplied to outside sources such as employers, other educational institutions, etc. for the purpose of verifying a student’s education.

Privacy Rights of Students & Confidentiality of Student Records
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their educational records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s educational records within 45 days of the day the College receives a request for access. Students should submit to the registrar, dean, head of the academic department, or other appropriate official, written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect. The College official will make arrangements for access and notify the student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained by the College official to whom the request was submitted, that official shall advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s educational records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading. Students may ask the College to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should write the College official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the College decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the College will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his/her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to a school official with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the College has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee; or assisting another school official in performing his/her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an educational record in order to fulfill his/her professional responsibility.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the State Colleges to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA may be obtained from the College Registrar.

Directory information concerning students is treated as public information and is released to the public unless otherwise requested by the student. Directory information includes the following: name, address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, major fields of study, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance, enrollment status, degrees and awards received, and most recent educational institution attended.  Personally identifiable student record information other than that listed as Directory Information will not be released except as provided by FERPA, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g and T.C.A. § 10-7-504.

As of January 3, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education’s FERPA regulations expand the circumstances under which your education records and personally identifiable information (PII) contained in such records - including your Social Security Number, grades, or other private information - may be accessed without your consent. First, the U.S. Comptroller General, the U.S. Attorney General, the U.S. Secretary of Education, or state and local education authorities (“Federal and State Authorities”) may allow access to your records and PII without your consent to any third party designated by a Federal or State Authority to evaluate a federal- or state-supported education program. The evaluation may relate to any program that is “principally engaged in the provision of education,” such as early childhood education and job training, as well as any program that is administered by an education agency or institution. Second, Federal and State Authorities may allow access to your education records and PII without your consent to researchers performing certain types of studies, in certain cases even when we object to or do not request such research. Federal and State Authorities must obtain certain use-restriction and data security promises from the entities that they authorize to receive your PII, but the Authorities need not maintain direct control over such entities. In addition, in connection with Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems, State Authorities may collect, compile, permanently retain, and share without your consent PII from your education records, and they may track your participation in education and other programs by linking such PII to other personal information about you that they obtain from other Federal or State data sources, including workforce development, unemployment insurance, child welfare, juvenile justice, military service, and migrant student records systems.If you have any questions regarding the provisions of this Act, contact the College Registrar.

Academic Year
The academic year begins in August and covers a period of 40 weeks divided into three semesters. Each semester is approximately fifteen weeks and may be divided into five, seven and ten week terms. Summer semester may be divided into three week, six week and twelve week terms.

Course Numbering System
Courses that begin with a one or two are college level. Courses that begin with a zero are Developmental/Learning Support. Some course numbers may be followed by a letter, this indicates some special aspect of the course. The current letter designations used and their meanings are:

T = Topical or Selected Topics course; content varies; course often has variable credit. See catalog description for specifics.
C = Course is a Health Sciences Clinical Experience.
P = Course is a Practicum Course.
S = Special Interest Course
SL = Service Learning Course
^ = Course can be used to meet minimum general education core requirements.
* = Courses that are designated primarily for vocational/career programs have been designated by an asterisk (*) prior to the course title. A number of these courses are accepted as transfer credit by some colleges and universities, but that decision is made by the receiving institution. These courses are collegiate level work, but they have been developed with a purpose other than being university parallel courses.

Course Descriptions
Descriptions of courses offered by the College are listed alphabetically according to subject area. The descriptions include (1) a subject area abbreviation/three or four letters (e.g. MUS for Music or ENGL for English), (2) a course identification number, (3) a short title, (4) semester hours of credit (in parentheses), (5) a brief content description, (6) whether or not a laboratory is included, (7) prerequisite or co-requisite courses (if any). To enroll in a TN eCampus course, a student must meet the prerequisite for the course as stated in this catalog regardless of the prerequisite, or lack thereof, for the course on the TN eCampus website. The College reserves the right to alter the course offering of any discipline, and the right to alter any specific course in the catalog without notice.

The class schedule can be seen on our website at a few weeks prior to the first day of registration for each semester. It contains a listing of the specific courses to be offered with the time, place and instructor in charge of each section. It also contains special announcements concerning registration procedures. The college reserves the right to make changes in any schedule prior to or during registration.

Course Formats

  • Online - Fully online classes within eLearn, VolState’s learning management system. These are labeled Online: Asynchronous, meaning you can log in and receive instruction and do your work at any time during the course as assigned by the instructor. Asynchronous means there are no assigned class times but there will be assignment due dates. Some online courses require that exams are proctored, either in person or virtually. Proctoring requirements vary by course and should be detailed in the course syllabus.
  • Virtual - Classes will use a videoconferencing service (for example, Zoom) to meet at an assigned time to deliver live instruction. Students will use eLearn to submit assignments and access additional course materials. These are labeled Virtual Class: Synchronous, which just means that they have assigned days and times for the online class meetings. You will be expected to log-in and participate in virtual classes at the schedule times.  Our videoconferencing services are free. Software may be downloaded directly from
  • On-Site Face-to-Face - Traditional classes occurring at one of our campuses at a regularly scheduled time.
  • Hybrid - Some combination of the above three instructional methods. Use the Class Schedule link in the Vol State “Students” portion of the Vol State website to view scheduling details that may not be available in Schedule Planner.
  • TN eCampus - Just like Vol State online classes, these are asynchronous classes without a specific meeting date or time. The difference is that you’ll log in to participate at the TN eCampus D2L site and be participating with students from multiple colleges. There is also an additional fee for TN eCampus courses.
  • Desktop Video Conferencing - Some classes may be scheduled each semester which allows students in Livingston, Gallatin, Springfield, and other selected sites to meet together with a single instructor through computer-based video. Students in these courses participate from their assigned campus site through the video conferencing software, and students and faculty can see and hear each other.

Consult the VSCC web site ( for a list of classes available each semester and for information on college admission and enrollment.

Admission Advising, Orientation, Testing, Educational Planning
An Admission Advising, Orientation, Testing and Educational Planning program is provided each semester for all new degree-seeking students. Admission advising is provided to help new students clarify their educational choices. Through Orientation, students have an opportunity to learn the skills necessary for college success. Placement testing needed for college entrance is administered each semester and during each registration period. Once students have completed Orientation and Testing they are encouraged to schedule an appointment with a faculty advisor or an advisor/counselor in the Advising Center to develop strategies for completion of their education. The faculty advisor or advisor/counselor will guide students through an exploration of the various elements which affect academic decision-making.

Academic Planning
The responsibility for selecting a program of study rests upon the individual student. VSCC does, however, furnish its students with guidance and assistance in outlining and following through on a program of study leading to the objectives envisioned by each student.

Upon admission to the College, some students may be required to meet further prerequisites to enter the program they select. In the best interest of the student, admission to a particular curriculum or to specific courses should be based upon evidence which would indicate a fair chance of satisfactory performance in the program of study.

Students who are planning to transfer from VSCC at the conclusion of their program of study to a different institution should review a copy of the catalog from the institution to which they are transferring for use in planning their transfer program.

College Level Course Placement
The placement of students into any course will depend upon individual course prerequisites. Eligibility will be established on the basis of achievement on the related section of the ACT, and/or the achievement on other tests administered by the College during registration procedures for the applicant, and/or high school or other college courses completed. These procedures are designed to help guide students into courses commensurate with their abilities.

In selected career programs, students may be granted advanced placement if specific competence and proficiency are established by work experience and/or departmental examination.

Entrance placement in a foreign language class will depend upon the student’s background in the language. A student who has completed one or more years in French or Spanish in high school with a grade of “C” or higher may continue that language at the level achieved on the foreign language proficiency exam given in the Testing Center. If the student has not studied the language in high school, but has learned the language in some other setting, the student may take the proficiency exam for placement into foreign language classes.

Students who fail to achieve the required level of proficiency in high school courses/tests will be required to enroll in appropriate courses, some of which may be based on initial assessment.

Learning Support
The Tennessee Board of Regents, which governs the State’s community colleges, requires that students who enroll in college-level courses first show that they have the necessary skills in order to succeed in college-level courses. First-time freshmen and Transfer students are classified as “Degree-Seeking” students. Any “Non-Degree” or “Visiting” student who wishes to take a college-level course which has a Learning Support prerequisite must also demonstrate the required level of skills or enroll in required co-requisite courses.

Students with a final high school GPA of 3.6 or higher will have open access to college-level courses. Students who possess valid ACT scores will be screened for placement into college-level courses or Learning Support courses according to their ACT sub-scores in English, Reading, and Mathematics. Students whose ACT sub-score in English is 18 or higher, and whose Reading and Mathematics scores are 19 or higher will have open access to college-level courses.  Students whose ACT sub-scores are below 18 in English or below 19 in Reading and/or Mathematics will be placed into Learning Support courses according to the following chart. 

Writing English 1-17 ENGL 1010 & ENGL 0810
  English 18-36 ENGL 1010
Math Math 1-18 College-level Math Course with required co-requisite
  Math 19-36 College-level Math Course
Reading Reading 1-18 ENGL 1010 & READ 0810
  Reading 19-36 College level

Students with more than one set of ACT scores will be allowed to use their best sub-scores to obtain the best placement. SAT scores will be converted to ACT equivalent scores.

Students placed into Learning Support courses have the opportunity to challenge their initial placement by either taking a challenge test in the Testing Center (approved by the Advising Center) or taking a diagnostic assessment, completing a study plan, and retesting in the Learning Commons.

Permission to Audit Courses
An audit student is one who is attending classes, does not take the final examination, does not receive a grade, and does not receive official credit. Permission for a student to audit a course must be obtained at the time of registration or during the add period. Permission to audit a course, upon the recommendation of the division dean, may be obtained from the College Registrar.

If students register to audit, they cannot change to credit later in the term; or if they register for credit, they cannot change to audit later in the term.

Adding and Dropping Courses
Students may change their class schedule by adding and dropping classes through the Drop/Add period for each session of the registration term. Students may enter a closed class only with the approval of the academic dean of the division or his/her designated representative. Other registration restrictions may also be overridden with approval of the academic dean of the appropriate division or his/her designated representative.

A formal drop/add period is permitted to allow students an opportunity to make changes after meeting their first class period. The standard Drop/Add period for each part of term or full term is as follows and is indicated in the academic calendar:

Term or Part of Term                     Number of Days into the Term for Drop/Add
3,5,6 or 7-Week Term First two (2) days of term
9,10 and 12-Week Term First three (3) days of term
15-Week Term First five (5) days of term

Exceptions may be approved by consensus of the Vice President of Academic Affairs and the College Registrar.

Registration errors on the part of the student or the College may be corrected by the Office of Records and Registration. This includes, but is not limited to, purge errors, accidental drops, and removal of students registered in courses for which they are not eligible.Students should contact the Office of Records and Registration if they have questions.

Credit Hours and Maximum Load
Per VSCC Policy II:01:16, VSCC defines a credit hour as follows:  One semester hour of credit consists of not less than one hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for fifteen weeks, or the equivalent amount of work in alternate term lengths or delivery modes.    

The minimum number of credit hours per term for classification as a full-time student is 12.

The maximum number of credit hours students may enroll themselves in for a given term is 18 hours, or 19 hours with good academic standing and advisor permission.

Students in good academic standing may, with the permission of the Vice-President for Academic Affairs, register for a maximum of 22 hours per term by contacting the Office of Academic Affairs during the registration period for the selected term to request a permit. Before approving a permit, the Vice President for Academic Affairs will consider the student’s academic performance to date as well as any other relevant factors presented by the student.

Approval must be obtained in this same way each time the student wishes to take more than 18 hours in a semester. Students without a VSCC combined grade point average will not be eligible to receive approval to register for more than 18 hours until after their first term at VSCC has been completed.

Instructional Delivery Modes:

  •     Lecture: A formalized instruction in which the instructor provides an educational experience to students, applying any combination of instructional methods.
  •     Laboratory: An educational activity where students conduct experiments, perfect skills, practice    procedures, or complete simulation experiences under the direction of a faculty member.
  •     Seminar: A less formal educational experience than a lecture, in which a small number of students engage in discussions directed by a faculty member.
  •     Studio: A supervised creative and/or artistic endeavors experience incorporating practical experiences and individualized instruction.
  •     Clinical: A career-based experience, typically in medical or healthcare fields, where students meet to test, observe, experiment, or practice a profession in a hands-on environment. Clinical contact hours vary  based on the amount of time it takes to expose a student to the competencies and skills required for the clinical experience.                                                                                                                                    
  •     Practicum: A practicum is a supervised on-the-job experience in a pre-approved setting where the primary task of the student is observation and documentation. The student also participates in a concurrent  course that outlines the goals and expectations of the on-the-job experience.
  •     Internship: An internship provides the student with hands-on job experience. The student relates the internship experience to the knowledge that he or she gained through classroom instruction.
  •     Activity: A physical education course in which active participatory experience in individual or group physical activity with regular instructor feedback provides the primary basis for student learning.
  •     Private Lesson: A private lesson is one-on-one music instruction where students perform and are critiqued by the instructor and practice outside the lesson and studio session.
  •     Independent Study: An independent study is a self-directed approach to the acquisition of knowledge where a student plans and carries out learning activities on his/her own under the direction of a faculty  member.

Minimum Instructional Times Per Course Per Term

Course Type

Credits Awarded

Minimum Time Allocations in Hours*

Weekly Direct Instruction

Term Direct Instruction

Term     Out-of-Class Student Work

Total Term Instructional and Student Work Out-of-Class












Laboratory, Seminar, Activity, Studio

1 (2:1)





1 (3:1)





Practicum, Internship, Private Lesson, Independent Study












Credit and contact hours vary depending on the requirements for the clinical experience, but the minimum standard of 45 contact hours per semester credit hour applies to clinical courses.

Prerequisites or Co-requisites
Many courses in the catalog list specific prerequisites or co-requisites. A prerequisite is a specific course or other requirement which must be completed before the student is permitted to register for the course which lists the prerequisite. Co-requisite requirements are to be completed simultaneously.

In a number of course descriptions the prerequisite may be either (1) a certain amount of high school course work, (2) specific test scores or completion of learning support courses, or (3) a specific college course. If the student takes a college course that may be used as the prerequisite for another course, the college course will take precedence over the high school work.

Class Participation
Students at VSCC are expected to give their scholastic obligations first consideration. Prompt and regular class participation is considered necessary for the student to make the greatest possible progress in a course. Participation policies are spelled out in the syllabus for each course in which the student is enrolled and should be followed to insure success. Active participation in online courses fulfills the participation requirement.

All reasons for absence should be submitted as soon as possible to the instructor. This should be presented in advance if possible. The satisfactory explanation of absences does not in any way relieve students from the responsibility of work missed. The instructor in charge of a course determines in all instances the extent to which the absences and tardiness affect the student’s grade. Absences are counted from the first day the student is registered in a course after the beginning of the term.

Participation in Learning Support courses is required as stated in the syllabus for each course.

Students on financial aid are subject to the policies regarding class participation associated with their aid and any persistent failure to participate in class will be reported as required.

Withdrawal from the College
Credit students finding it necessary to withdraw from the College should do so officially to maintain good standing and to assure readmission. A student must follow the proper procedures before discontinuing class attendance whether it be from one course or the College. The Drop/Withdrawal form can be found by logging in to MyVolstate and selecting the icon for Student Forms. The form is filled out and processed electronically.

Withdrawal should be requested by the student only. If it is impossible for the student to follow the procedure of withdrawal in person (due to serious illness, death in the family, or extreme circumstances), a parent or person acting as an agent of the student should do so with written permission of the student. If the student receives financial aid, the Drop/Withdrawal form will be routed through the Financial Aid office before it reaches Records & Registration for processing. 

After a deadline date each semester, withdrawal from the College with grades of “W” is not permitted. The College calendar in the front of this catalog lists the last day to withdraw with a grade of “W.” Unusual and verifiable circumstances, such as documented evidence of serious personal illness or death in the immediate family or employer mandated transfer, are the only exceptions in granting permission to withdraw and receive a “W” after the date specified in the Catalog. When a student experiences unusual and verifiable circumstances which compel the student to discontinue enrollment after the published last date to withdraw, the student must contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Services to request an exception to the withdrawal policy of the College.

A student who stops attending class and does not follow the published withdrawal procedures will remain on the class roll and will receive the grade earned for the course. The grade earned will be calculated in the student’s grade point average.

Academic Fresh Start
Any student who has not been enrolled in a college or university for a period of four years and who re-enrolls at VSCC, or transfers to VSCC may petition to have grades on previously failed course work at VSCC disregarded in calculating his/her cumulative grade point average. The student should complete the application for academic fresh start and submit it to the Office of Records & Registration to be submitted for approval to the Vice President of Academic Affairs. If the request is approved, the student’s permanent record will remain a record of all work at VSCC, however, the previously failed course work at VSCC will be excluded from the cumulative GPA calculation. (Courses with a D grade will also be excluded from GPA calculation when a grade of C or higher is required in the student’s current major.)

Previously satisfied ACT, COMPASS, ASSET, or ACCUPLACER requirements will not be forfeited. ACT, COMPASS, ASSET, or ACCUPLACER requirements at the time of previous enrollment and whose academic plan includes completion of a college-level english or mathematics course must meet current Academic Assessment and Placement Program ACT, COMPASS, ASSET, or ACCUPLACER requirements regarding enrollment in college English and mathematics courses.

A student who plans to transfer to another institution should contact that institution to determine the impact of Academic Fresh Start prior to implementing the program at VSCC. Students may contact the Office of Records & Registration for assistance.

Student Classification
Degree-seeking students will be classified as freshmen until the completion of 29 semester hours; after such time, they will be classified as sophomores.

Grades and Quality Points
At the end of each term, instructors report to the Office of Records and Registration the grades for all students in their classes. The grade of a student in any course is determined by the progress of the student as outlined in each course syllabus.

The instructor’s evaluation of the quality of the student’s work is expressed by letters as follows:

Grade  Instructor’s Evaluation Quality Points Awarded Per Semester Hour
A Superior 4.0
B Above average 3.0
C Average 2.0
D Passing but below average 1.0
F Failing 0.0
FA Failing due to non-attendance 0.0

For the purpose of computing averages, grades are converted to quality points (see the table above). The scholastic standing of a student is expressed in terms of a scholarship ratio, or quality point average. The quality point average is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of credit hours which the student attempted.

Students can repeat a course in which they earned a grade of “C”, “D”, “F” or “W”.  Students may be permitted to repeat courses in which a grade of “B” or higher was earned only with the approval of the Vice President of Academic Affairs. Learning Support courses may not be repeated once passed.

The grade earned the last time the course is taken will be considered the final grade. A symbol of “W”, “I”, “N”, “CR”, or “NC” received for any course cannot replace a grade of “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, or “F” received for the same course taken at an earlier time. In the event that a student repeats a course more than twice, the grade and hours attempted in the third and subsequent attempts will be used in determining the quality point average. The course can only be used once to meet graduation requirements. A course with a symbol of “W” does not count as a time attempted when calculating grade point average.

Other marks which may appear on the instructor’s grade report (and on the student’s permanent record) are as follows:
Symbol Explanation

CR/NC Alternative credit (assigned only in certain courses)
I Incomplete
N Audit: no grade or credit
P Passing
W Withdrew 

The mark of “CR” indicates the student has satisfactorily completed the minimum competencies in a special credit course. A student may earn up to six (6) semester hours of “CR” credit in one term with a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours total. The mark of “CR” is not computed in the quality point average.

The mark of “NC” indicates that the student did not satisfactorily complete the minimum competencies in a special credit course. The mark of “NC” is not computed in the quality point average.

The grades of “P” and “F” are used with the Pass/Fail grading option. The “P” is not used in computing the grade point average. When a “P” is assigned the hours earned are increased, but quality hours attempted and quality points earned are not affected. The “F” is used in computing the grade point average by including the number of hours of the course in the quality hours attempted and including zero grade points in the grade points earned.

The mark of “I” (incomplete) indicates that the student has not completed the requirements for a course during the semester for some unavoidable reason that is acceptable to the instructor. The student should contact their instructor immediately in an effort to complete course requirements. The mark of “I” will not be given unless the instructor is reasonably sure that it is possible for the student to complete the requirements for the course during the subsequent semester (not including Summer) and receive a grade of “D” or higher. If the “I” is not completed by one week before the first day of final exams for the next semester, the “I” will convert to an “F”, and will be reflected in the student’s quality point average. Under unusual circumstances an extension to the time frame may be granted for a maximum of one term if requested by the instructor of record and approved by the appropriate academic dean and the College Registrar. The request for an extension of the “I” grade must be made not later than one week before the first day of final examinations for the subsequent semester (not including summer).

The mark of “N” signifies that the student has registered for audit.

The mark of “W” indicates that the student has withdrawn from a course.

The marks of “CR”, “I”, “N”, “NC”, “P”, “S”, “U”, and “W” are not computed in the quality point average, but they are a permanent part of official records and transcripts.

The College has a grade appeal policy. For procedure, see the Student Handbook.

Non-Credit CEU Grades
Requirements for satisfactory completion of non-credit CEU instructional activities are established in advance for each planned learning experience. These requirements are based on the purpose of the instructional activity and on intended learning outcomes. The grade or conditions for satisfactory completion of any course is determined by the progress of the student as outlined in each course syllabus. Grades are based on the ability of participants to demonstrate what they have learned, on a predetermined level of attendance at scheduled sessions, or on a combination of performance and attendance. Non-Credit CEU grades are “S” (satisfactory completion), “U” (unsatisfactory completion), “I” (incomplete) or “W” (withdrew). An appeal process is in place for students who wish to challenge a grade. Grades are not mailed. A transcript will be issued upon written request and signature of student. A Continuing Education Transcript Request Form is provided on the Continuing Education website (

Cancellation of Scheduled Classes
The college reserves the right to cancel any class when the number enrolled is deemed insufficient or if other extenuating circumstances prevail.

Awards and Honors
Recognition of scholarly achievements at VSCC is accomplished through a publication of a Dean’s List and Honor Roll each semester.

The Dean’s List is composed of those students who have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours in collegiate level courses in the current semester with a grade point average of at least 3.750. (Dean’s list recognition is based on calculations made at the end of the semester and cannot be updated later to reflect grade changes, such as the removal of incomplete grades.)

The Merit List is composed of those students who have completed a minimum of 6 but fewer than 12 semester hours in collegiate level courses in the current semester with a grade point average of at least 3.750. (Merit list recognition is based on calculations made at the end of the semester and cannot be updated later to reflect grade changes, such as the removal of incomplete grades.)

The Honor Roll is composed of those students who have completed a total of at least 18 semester hours in collegiate level courses at VSCC with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.750. Honor Roll recognition is based upon calculations made at the end of the semester and cannot be updated later to reflect grade changes, such as the removal of incomplete grades.

Academic Status And Retention Standards
The Office of Records and Registration of VSCC is responsible for monitoring the academic performance of students to determine whether or not they are meeting the retention standards of the institution. The academic retention standards of VSCC are uniformly applied to all students and are enforced at the close of each semester of enrollment. Successful completion of an academic program depends upon a well planned system of orientation and careful monitoring of each student’s academic progress. Identification and referral of students with learning problems should occur as soon as possible.

Students who do not meet the criteria for academic progress will be placed on Academic Probation for the next term of attendance including the summer semester. A notice of Academic Probation will be sent by email to the student. Academic Probation status may be removed by maintaining a combined 2.00 GPA.

Students who do not meet the criteria for academic progress at the conclusion of the term for which the student is on Academic Probation will be suspended. A Notice of Suspension will be mailed to suspended students. After students have completed their term of suspension, they may apply for readmission to the College. Upon being readmitted, the student will be designated as having Academic Probation status. If a student is notified of suspension status at the end of the Spring semester, the summer term may not be counted as the term of suspension. Students will not be allowed to re-enroll until after the Fall Semester. If there are extenuating circumstances and/or hardship, students may appeal suspension to the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs. To initiate the suspension appeal procedure, students MUST submit an appeal online by completing the Academic Suspension Appeal Form by the deadline. The Academic Affairs Office will contact the student upon receipt of the form to schedule a meeting with the A.V.P. of Academic Affairs. For any questions, the student should contact the Academic Affairs Office at 615-230-3555.

Students transferring from another college or university may be permitted to attend VSCC for one semester regardless of academic standing at the last institution attended. During the initial term of enrollment at VSCC, the student’s transcript will be evaluated and the Academic Status and Retention Standards of the College will be applied to determine academic status. A student who does not meet the requirements of the standards will be placed on Academic Probation and will be notified by the Office of Records and Registration. Upon completion of the initial term of enrollment, the student’s eligibility for continued enrollment will be determined by the Academic Status and Retention Standards of VSCC.

Programs with selective admission criteria may have additional retention standards for the specific program. Please refer to the program handbook for details.

Dismissal and Suspension
A student may be dismissed, subject to due process, from VSCC for any of the following reasons:

  1. Failure to meet the minimum academic standards or to obtain Academic Clearance as stated in the section, Academic Status and Retention Standards, of this catalog.
  2. Conduct of an unacceptable nature.
  3. Failure to attend classes regularly.

Academic Misrepresentation
The catalog must contain the following pursuant to T.C.A Sec. 49-7-133:

It is a Class A misdemeanor to misrepresent academic credentials. A person commits the offense of misrepresentation of academic credentials who, knowing that the statement is false and with the intent to secure employment at or admission to an institution of higher education in Tennessee, represents, orally or in writing that such person; (1) Has successfully completed the required course work for and has been awarded one or more degrees or diplomas from an accredited institution of higher education; (2) Has successfully completed the required course work for and has been awarded one or more degrees for diplomas from a particular institution of higher education; or (3) Has successfully completed the required course work for and has been awarded one or more degrees or diplomas in a particular field or specialty from an accredited institution of higher education.

Inclement Weather Policy
Volunteer State Community College will normally remain open as scheduled regardless of weather conditions. However, should hazardous ice and snow conditions dictate that the school will be closed for the day, or part of the day, radio and television stations will be notified. Students should be aware that these stations do not ordinarily announce if a school is open, but only if a school is closed. For the most accurate information, students should check the College website (, sign up for text alerts, or listen to the College radio station, WVCP (88.5 FM). When possible, notices will be posted by 6:00 a.m. on any day when there is any doubt whether the College will be open. When possible, information concerning evening classes will be broadcast by 3:00 p.m. on any day when there is inclement weather. It is not necessary for students to inform teachers in advance of absences due to inclement weather.

Should the College open late due to inclement weather, classes will meet at the regularly scheduled time throughout the day. For example, if the College opens at 10:00 a.m., the regularly scheduled 10:00 class will be the first class to meet for the day.

Even though the College is “open” in full or in part, students and college personnel should not endanger their lives or safety by attempting to reach campus when their local road conditions prohibit safe travel. Students are on their “honor” in observing this, but where such local hazardous conditions exist, individual students may be entitled to an excused absence (privilege of making up missed work). Keep in mind that relative hazards may vary within our twelve-county service area and the decision to be open or closed will relate to conditions.

In the event of inclement weather when the College remains open, all faculty, administrators and staff will be expected to make every reasonable effort to maintain their regular work schedules but are advised to avoid undue risks in traveling. Employees who anticipate arriving late or not arriving to work at all should notify their immediate supervisors. Employees will have the option of charging their time off to annual leave or leave without pay; or, with approval, they may make up their lost work hours.

Students will be responsible for any academic work which they missed due to absences caused by severe weather conditions. It is the individual student’s responsibility to take the initiative to make up any class work missed.

Off-Campus-Inclement Weather Policy
In the event of inclement weather, a decision regarding the cancellation of classes at off-campus locations will be announced on the College website and with text alerts. Cancellation will also be posted by location on our website and through official social media outlets. This decision may vary by location due to weather conditions within a specific county. 

Definition Of Terms
In order for an applicant to understand the terminology, this list of definitions is provided.

Academic Clearance - This procedure requires any student who is on Suspension to meet with the Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs to register for their term of suspension.

Academic Probation - Indicates that the student has not met the criteria for academic progress as indicated in the section of this catalog entitled “Academic Status and Retention Standards.”

Academic Suspension - Indicates that the student has not met the criteria to remove Academic Probation status and will not be permitted to enroll the subsequent semester.

ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act/Section 504 Rehabilitation Act) - Any person having questions about services and facilities for people with disabilities or who feels that he or she has been affected by discrimination should contact the ADA Coordinator. Grievances and complaints concerning reasonable accommodation and equal access in College programs, facilities, activities, or services can be made to the ADA Coordinator whose office is located in the basement of Wood Campus Center.

Admission - Acceptance of a candidate for enrollment.

Admission with Advanced Standing - Acceptance granted on the basis of credits earned in another college or on the basis of demonstrated educational attainment beyond the minimum required for admission as a beginning freshman.

Advisee - The student.

Advisor - The person assigned to help students with their academic concerns.

Calendar - The system by which the institution structures its school year. The consecutive fall, spring, and summer semesters constitute an academic year.  

Classification - Student’s status in respect to progress toward the completion of his or her curriculum based upon the number of semester hours of courses to his or her credit at the time of registration and the scholarship achievement required for advancement to another class.

Continuing Education Unit - One CEU is defined as ten contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction.

Course - Organized subject matter in which instruction is offered within a given period of time and for which credit toward graduation or certification is usually given.

Course Number - Identification of a course by class level and a method to distinguish it from other sources in a given area of study.

Course Prerequisite - A preliminary requirement that must be met before a certain course may be taken without special permission.

Credit Hour (Semester Hour) - Defined by the number of hours per week in class and the number of weeks in the semester. One semester hour is usually assigned to a class that meets 50 minutes per week over a period of one semester, or a laboratory-type instruction that meets two (or three) hours a week for a semester, or a combination of these, depending upon the type of instruction and the material covered in the course. A three-hour non-laboratory course would meet three hours a week during the semester and the credit hours earned would be three semester hours. A total of 60 credit hours is the minimum required for graduation in associate degree programs.

Curriculum - The whole body of courses offered for study.

Dean’s List, Merit List and Honor Roll - Common designations for the published lists of students who have achieved a recognized standard of academic excellence.

Degree (Earned) - Title bestowed as official recognition for the completion of a curriculum.

Degree, Associate - The degree granted upon the completion of an educational program of two years of college work and for the completion of a specific curriculum.

Degree, Certificate - The credential granted upon the completion of an education program less than 2 years in duration and for the completion of a specific curriculum.  

Degree Student - One who has fulfilled all the admission requirements and who is pursuing an associate degree program, referred to by some colleges as a regular student.

Division - A unit of organization which offers instruction in a general branch of knowledge, grouping related subject areas and fields.

Dual Enrollment - The opportunity for an eligible high school student to take college level courses on the high school campus with appropriate approvals to earn both high school and college credit for successful course completion.

Elective - A subject or course which the student may choose as distinguished from courses which are required.

Financial Aid - The term covers grants, loans, student work programs and scholarships.

Full-Time Student - One who is carrying 12 semester hours or more.  

Grant-in-Aid - A form of financial assistance made to a qualified student who possesses certain talent sought or valued by an institution, such as “Athletic Grant-in-Aid.”

Hours Attempted - The total credit hours carried by the student for courses in which a grade of A, B, C, D, or F is received.

Hours Enrolled - The total credit hours carried by the student for all courses except those from which the student officially withdrew or for those which the student audited.

Hybrid Courses - Several hybrid class formats are available and include: 75% online and 25% face-to-face, 50% online and 50% face-to-face, 25% online and 75% face-to-face. Dates of required face-to-face classroom participation are listed in the course schedule.

Joint Enrollment - The opportunity for a high school junior or senior to enroll jointly at VSCC with approval from the high school principal.

Major - The student’s primary field of interest or major area of emphasis. The field of concentration may fall within a single department of instruction or it may overlap several departments.

Matriculation - The initial enrollment of the student as a member of a college.

Part-Time Student - One who is carrying an academic schedule of less than 12 semester hours per term.

Grade Point Average - The GPA is determined by dividing the total number of quality points earned by the total number of quality hours which the student attempted at Vol State.

Readmission - The return of a student who was not enrolled the previous semester (Fall or Spring) of the academic year. A student who is readmitted after a one semester suspension will be readmitted on Academic Probation status.

Reinstatement - The act of readmitting a student after being dismissed as a result of disciplinary action.  

Residency Status - Students are classified as resident or non-resident for the purpose of assessing tuition charges. The definition of residency is determined by the State Board of Regents, and all decisions concerning resident classification are made in the Office of Admissions.

Semester - Fall, Spring and Summer semesters constitute an academic year. 

Social Dismissal - Involuntary separation of a student from the College as a result of action taken because of misconduct.

Transfer Student - A student who has previously attended another college and enrolls in courses for credit and programs leading toward an Associate Degree.

Transient Student - A student who is admitted for a limited period and who is regularly enrolled at another institution.

Withdrawal (Student Initiated) - A release from enrollment when a student notifies the appropriate authorities within the designated time period that he/she wishes to withdraw from a course or courses.