Mar 12, 2025
2017-2018 VSCC Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Political Science - A.A. (TTP)
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The Department of Economics, Geography, History and Political Science is focused on developing in students an understanding of the present that is informed by an awareness of the past as well as the complex and interdependent relationships between cultures and societies. The Associate of Arts in Political Science is a two-year program for students planning to continue their education to earn a bachelor’s degree in the field of history, criminal justice, or law.
Transfer Options
The Tennessee Transfer Pathway (TTP) degree is designed to create a smooth transition to all public universities offering a Baccalaureate degree in this major by guaranteeing the transferability of all courses. For transfer to other four-year institutions, contact an advisor at the senior institution. Note: There are to be no course substitutions in this program.
All students graduating with a degree from VSCC are required to take the Educational Testing Service Proficiency Profile (ETSP). More information can be found at http://www.volstate.edu/Testing/Services.php.
General Education Requirements - Credits (41)
Area of Emphasis Requirements - Credits (19)
- Political Science Elective Credits: (3)
- Foreign Language [One Year Sequence in Single Foreign Language] Credits: (6)
- University Parallel Elective Credits: (7)
Total Degree Requirements - Credits (60)
Career and Salary Information
The following is a list of some of the career choices that may be obtained upon completion of this program. Please visit the following website www.onetonline.org or speak to an advisor for additional career opportunities, salary information and education requirements. Salaries are not guaranteed. Career | Median Salary in Tennessee with Bachelor Degree | Experienced Salary in Tennessee with Bachelor Degree | Lawyer | $98,010 | $187,200 | Political Scientist | $52,150 | $104,920 | Police Officer (Patrol) | $41,080 | $58,080 | Recommended Schedule
This is a recommended schedule. Learning Support, pre-requisites and other academic factors may impact this schedule. See your advisor to create a degree plan. DegreeWorks, along with the correct catalog, should be utilized by students for all of their educational planning. Students can monitor their progress toward a degree or certificate and view missing requirements with the DegreeWorks audit, which is accessible through My Volstate. First Year - Fall Semester - Credits (15)
- Humanities and/or Fine Arts (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
- University Parallel Elective (Any non-asterisk course) Credits: (3)
First Year - Spring Semester - Credits (14)
- Natural Sciences (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
- Social/Behavior Sciences (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
- University Parallel Elective (Any non-asterisk course) Credits: (1)
Second Year - Fall Semester - Credits (16)
- Foreign Language (One Year Sequence in Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
- History (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
- Humanities and/or Fine Arts (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
- Natural Sciences (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (4)
- Political Science Elective Credits: (3)
Second Year - Spring Semester - Credits (15)
- Foreign Language (One Year Sequence in Single Foreign Language) Credits: (3)
- History (See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
- Humanities and/or Fine Arts (Literature - See General Education Requirements in Catalog) Credits: (3)
- University Parallel Elective (Any non-asterisk course) Credits: (3)
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