Jan 18, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Programs & Support

College Programs & General Areas of Study

The programs, curricula, and fees as set forth in this catalog are subject to change at any time at the discretion of Volunteer State Community College or the Tennessee Board of Regents. Volunteer State Community College offers several general areas of study to meet the needs of its students through flexible course offerings.

Educational programs are designed to meet the needs of students who plan to transfer their work and continue toward a baccalaureate degree, to prepare students who graduate or receive certificates to enter directly into their chosen field of work, or for students to complete non-credit courses for personal improvement, for employment advancement, or for cultural enhancement.  All students pursuing a degree must follow a specific course of study as outlined in the program guide.  Students who seek to transfer to a senior institution should familiarize themselves with the requirements of that institution and should plan their program accordingly.

Division of Instruction
For administrative purposes, the credit instructional program at Volunteer State Community College is organized into the following six divisions:

Division of Business and Technology
The Business and Technology Division offers career and technical programs that are designed to provide students with skills and knowledge required to begin a career within fields of Accounting, Banking and Finance, Logistics & Supply Chain Management, Marketing and Sales, Information Technology, Software Development, and Computer Engineering. In addition to preparing students for entry into the modern workforce, the division also offers students a transfer pathway to a four-year college or university. The division’s technology degree and certificate programs also provide students the opportunity to obtain industry-recognized certifications in areas such as Microsoft Office Applications, Computer Networking, Cyber Defense, and Project Management, all of which are highly-valued credentials by employers within the modern tech industry. 

Division of Health Sciences
The John B. Wallace Health Sciences Division offers degree and certificate programs which are designed to prepare students for a career in specific health care occupations. The programs range from one semester to three academic years (6 to 36 months) in length.

Division of Humanities
The Humanities Division offers programs designed to provide the foundation students need to succeed at four-year colleges or universities. A radio station, newspaper, recording studio, TV studio, and literary journals are available for students to voice their creativity. The division also offers many visual and performing arts programs where students can develop their talents.

Division of Mathematics and Science
The Division of Mathematics and Science offers innovative programs to prepare students for further pursuit of careers in STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and health care related fields.  The division also offers degree and certificate programs designed to prepare students for careers in the animal care and environmental technology industries.  Division resources include communal learning environments and well-equipped science laboratory facilities.  Students may enhance their experience with a variety of service-learning and research-based opportunities.

Division of Nursing
The Associate of Applied Science degree in Nursing prepares students to apply to sit for licensure as a Registered Nurse.  The program is taught on the Gallatin and Livingston campuses. 

Division of Social Science and Education
The Social Science and Education Division offers degree and certificate programs for both entry into the workforce and for transfer to a four-year college or university.  These programs provide students with opportunities to learn the innermost concepts of the mind to creations of civilizations, our historical past and its relevance to today, from the workings of government, law, and commerce to education and health.

Other Academic Support

Learning Support
At Volunteer State Community College, Learning Support is designed to serve students who need to improve their reading, writing, and mathematics skills as they enter college-level curriculum. Learning Support classes are individualized, so that there is more contact between student and instructor. In addition, tutoring and advising are provided.

The Learning Commons
The Learning Commons offers free tutoring to Vol State students in many subject areas, particularly in reading, writing, math, and science. Assistance is available online and on each Vol State campus. The Learning Commons also hosts learning support math courses, provides academic coaching, and assists students with basic eLearn navigation.

Students may come to the Learning Commons at any time during the semester. More information, including hours and how to access online assistance, visit the Learning Commons website at www.volstate.edu/learningcommons.  

The Honors Program
The Honors Program offers high academic achievers with opportunities to interact with other students with similar academic standards, small classes to ensure individualized attention, a strong academic program, and an enhanced academic record.

In order to enter the program, high school students must have one of the following:

  • A 3.5 GPA
  • A composite score of 26 on the ACT
  • Two letters of recommendation from instructors

Enrolled Vol State students must have at least a 3.5 GPA or letters of recommendation from two faculty members. To apply for the program, students must send an application to the Honors Program Director. 

Scholarships are available for new and currently enrolled students. The recipient must commit to completing 12 hours of Honors courses over a four-semester period, maintain a 3.0 GPA, complete the Honors Leadership course, and attend Honors Program meetings.

Honors courses are listed in the schedule and are designated by an A01 section number. Honors students may receive Honors credit in some non-Honors courses by contract with instructors.

To receive recognition at graduation students must have completed 12 hours of Honors courses, including the Honors Leadership course. Students who do not complete the Honors Leadership course must complete an additional three Honors credits as a substitute for a total of 15 Honors credits. Those students are presented with a certificate of completion and an Honors medallion.

Community Service Programs
The community service program of the College includes a wide range of activities involving cooperative efforts between College personnel and the community. Included among the activities are campus and cultural events, consulting and advisory services, campus participation in civic organizations and community-based efforts, conferences and institutes, facility utilization, and other specialized services available through individual units of the College. Community service is an integral component of the overall operation of the institution, with all administrative units sharing in the responsibility of service.

Library Services

Thigpen Library at Vol State supports the academic needs of the College community at each campus by providing information resources, research assistance, interlibrary loans, study spaces, and library instruction. 

Online access to the library catalog, electronic books, streaming videos, databases, and more is available 24/7 via the library website (www.volstate.edu/library).  Each Vol State campus library provides desktop computers, laptops for in-building use, printers, scanners, and graphing calculators. Additional offerings vary by campus.  

Library staff are available to assist with any questions during open hours at each campus. To borrow library materials, please be prepared to present your Vol State ID card or another form of photo ID. 

For more information, including hours, contact information, and access to library resources, see Thipgen Library’s website: www.volstate.edu/library.  

Off Campus Sites

Degree-Granting Off-Campus Centers, Cookeville Center, Livingston Center, and Springfield Center
The College offers the opportunity to complete degree programs at its three degree-granting Centers, Cookeville Center, Livingston Center, and Springfield Center. A full range of support services is provided.  Students interested in pursuing degrees other than those offered at these three centers may be required to complete some coursework on the main campus or online.

Volunteer State Community College at Livingston, located in Overton County, provides all of the coursework for completion of the Associate of Science (General Studies area of emphasis), the Associate of Applied Science in Nursing, Pre-Nursing, and the Associate of Applied Science in Computer Information Technology. The College offers General Education courses and Learning Support courses in reading, writing and mathematics.  Classes are offered during the day and evening hours.

Volunteer State Community College at Cookeville, located in Putnam County, provides all of the coursework for completion of the Advanced Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate, Emergency Medical Technician Technical Certificate, Associate of Applied Science in Mechatronics, Associate of Science (University Parallel), Paramedic Technical Certificate, Associate in Applied Science in Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice Technical Certificate, Associate of Applied Science in Business, and the Associate of Science in Teaching. The College offers General Education courses and Learning Support courses in reading, writing and mathematics.  Classes are offered during the day and evening hours.

Volunteer State Community College at Springfield, located in Robertson County, provides all the coursework for completion of the Associate of Science in multiple areas of emphasis, such as: Pre-Nursing, General Studies, Health Sciences, and Business, the Associate of Science in Teaching, and the Associate of Applied Science degree in Computer Information Technology (CIT) and Business. The College offers General Education courses and Learning Support courses in reading, writing and mathematics.  Classes are offered during the day, evening and online. 

The goal of the extended services or outreach program is to provide credit courses at multiple sites, on multiple schedules, and through various delivery systems to enhance access to higher education opportunities throughout the service region.

Volunteer State seeks to provide quality educational experiences to its students at approximately thirty off-campus teaching sites, affording them the opportunity to continue their education during the day and/or evening hours at locations convenient to their home or workplace. The College appreciates the cooperative working arrangements with various local schools and civic officials in providing the facilities, assistance, and input into the offerings each term. Courses at off-campus teaching sites are staffed by qualified instructors from the academic divisions of the College and are of equal quality to those taught on the main campus. Students may enroll in one or more courses to earn credit toward a college degree and/or to pursue personal and professional goals.

Off-Campus Teaching Sites
Classes are also offered at other higher education institutions and public facilities through cooperative agreements.

Courses and locations are listed in the Schedule of classes each semester.

Dual Enrollment
Beech High School, Sumner County
Cookeville High School, Putnam County
East Robertson High School, Robertson County 
Gallatin High School, Sumner County 
Green Hill High School, Wilson County 
Hendersonville High School, Sumner County 
Liberty Creek High School, Sumner County
Livingston Academy, Overton County 
Merrol Hyde Magnet School, Sumner County
Mount Juliet High School, Wilson County
Pickett County High School, Pickett County
Portland Senior High School, Sumner County
Rossview High School, Montgomery County
Springfield High School, Robertson County 
Station Camp High School, Sumner County
Trousdale County High School, Trousdale County
Upperman High School, Putnam County 
Westmoreland High School, Sumner County 
White House High School, Sumner County 
Upperman High School, Putnam County 

Distance Learning
Vol State’s Distance Learning program gives students the flexibility to take classes that fit their schedules and lifestyles. Most of the general education courses and selected area of emphasis requirements may be completed online. Additionally, several programs may be completed online. Visit our Online Programs page for a current listing of online programs. All distance courses contain the same outcomes as a corresponding conventional classroom course. Advising, student support, and other forms of student assistance are also available online.

Vol State’s learning management system is called eLearn. This is where Vol State online classes happen. Most hybrid and traditional on-campus courses also use eLearn. Within eLearn, many instructors will post announcements, course content, assignments, and grades.

Before classes begin, students will want to check out this list of Technical Requirements and Skills needed to use eLearn. You can find many how-to articles and videos on our knowledge base: eLearn for Students. To access eLearn, go to https://elearn.volstate.edu. New students are encouraged to participate in an optional workshop to learn to use eLearn before classes begin. Visit the eLearn Success page for more information or to submit an eLearn support ticket.